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Author talk: Tim O'Brien "The Maine Roadshow"

Author talk: Tim O'Brien "The Maine Roadshow" In-Person

The book will be available for purchase.

About the event

Tim O’Brien, author of a new guide to Maine will talk about these fun facts when he visits Bangor Library on September 7 at 6:30 pm for a colorful presentation on his book, “The Maine Roadshow: A Roadside Tour of the State’s History, Culture, Food, Funk & Oddities.”

A slideshow of Tim's photographs from around Maine will accompany his presentation.

About the book

The book is lavishly illustrated with nearly 450 photos, all taken by the author, and more than 400 listings, all visited in person by the author, during a five-year, thousands-of-mile journey exploring and documenting all corners of the state.

A bit of a teaser that is an example of what you may find in the book: “The couch on which a U.S. Vice President and the highest reigning political servant born in Maine died upon still exists and is on display. In Bangor, one can visit the Ice Cream Saloon, take a walk on the wild side through the former red light district, or stop by city hall and see the official birth certificate for our favorite giant, Paul Bunyan."

Praise for The Maine Roadshow from Maines' own Tim Sample

“Tim has taken a deep dive into Maine’s rich historical and cultural backstory and dredged up enough fascinating “I didn’t know that!” stories to take even a few of us “Native Experts” down a peg. His well-honed skills as an observer and chronicler of the most obscure aspects of life, history, and culture, make him the perfect tour guide for this fabulous jaunt across our beloved Maine.”

About the author

For more than five decades, Tim O'Brien has worked in the communications side of the entertainment industry chronicling the latest and greatest that theme parks, amusement parks and attractions, roadside attractions, circuses, carnivals and sideshows have to offer. An industry specialist and award-winning photojournalist, Tim has had more than 5,000 articles and more than 3,000 photos published. He has visited more than 500 amusement parks and attractions in 29 countries and has ridden nearly 600 different roller coasters.

In 2003, Tim founded Casa Flamingo Literary Arts, a boutique book publishing company that creates and publishes his own work in addition to several other authors. To date, Tim has written and published 18 books, all still available on his website, CasaFlamingoLiteraryArts.com, and online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. 

For more information about Tim, his work, and Casa Flamingo Literary Arts, click here.

Follow Tim on Facebook @TimO'Brien'sRoadshowGuides.


Thursday, September 7, 2023
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Laurence E. Crofutt Community Room
  Books & Authors